Here is a little twist on an all time favorite. Italian Mac & Cheese includes cheese, pasta and meat sauce! How to make Italian Mac & Cheese for 4: 1 pack of Cavatappi pasta 3 cups Tomato Meat SauceGrated Mozzarella Cheese Directions:Boil the pasta and cook the meat sauce. Once the two are cooked mix them together and pre heat the oven to 350. Place half of the mixture in a corningware dish and spread the Mozzarella over. Pour the rest of the pasta and sauce on top and add another layer of cheese. Place in the oven for 10 minutes....

It’s always when you’re in a huge rush, your husband/wife is already outside waiting for you… that the keys decide to disappear!! Here are the questions I ask myself! Where did I leave them? Why are they not in my purse? Why are they not on the counter? Could I possibly have accidentally put them in the fridge? Are they on my bed? (even if I haven’t been in the bedroom) I just can’t find them Here are a few tricks I’m gonna start employing in my house because I can’t keep doing this. So for...

Last night I discovered something new and great about marriage…. Homemade Pizza! I decided late yesterday afternoon that I was going to attempt to make my own dough and then my own pizza! I used my mothers recipe that she got from my late grandmother.My hubby Jason helped me out and was just as excited…especially when the dough actually rose! I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous but learning new things with your significant other is a very very beautiful thing! My first homemade pizza making experience was a successful...

Do you get tired of having to share your spouse with his favorite sport? I don’t, I LOVE SPORTS! Almost all of them! Some kill me of boredom but I love most. I wanna know, if as many of you out there love watching sports like I do. I never get upset if my husband is watching his sports (I use to, until I got into it, and until I realized : this is great, it keeps him busy for a while haha!) I was so excited watching the last hockey game between Montreal and Washington that I can’t wait for the next one. What a fun couple’s...

My husband and I need sleep in very different ways. Over the past little while my sleeping patterns have changed drastically. I feel that I need more sleep and that I am sleepy earlier. When I am getting tired at 11:00pm and ready for bed by 11:30pm, my husband is sitting down to watch a show or do some work on the computer. Meanwhile, I want to get up at 6am but he is still asleep at that point. At night Jason is always wanting to watch a movie or show, or do something but I’m too tired…. In the morning I am hyper, happy,...

So a few days ago was my 3 year anniversary… Crazy how time flies! It feels like just yesterday I could fit in my dress ! I just wanted to tell my hubby Happy Anni Sam, looking forward to many more years ahead! What do you do on your anniversary? Do you plan romantic evenings in, do you go out for an extravagant nights out? A friend of mine asked me what I was planning to do for my hubby and I wasn’t sure yet. The reason we haven’t celebrated yet is because Sam is out of town on a mission! I am so proud of him...

Oregano is the one herb that I always have. This herb works so well in so many different situations. Oregano’s origin is from the Mediterranean and is used in many Greek, Italian and Spanish dishes. Oregano is a must in many Greek dishes, be it meat, fish or vegetables, oregano is perfect for a simple fast marinade. The herb can be used either fresh or dried but beware the fresh herb, the taste is very strong! I have had my Greek Oregano plant for about 3 years. It’s a perennial herb which means it can survive our winters....

This morning I wanted to share a funny story! So I always always have an alarm on cause there is always something to be done early! If its not work, its Saturday morning appointments or church on Sundays. My hubby HATES the sounds (the many sounds) of my alarms… First of all I have 2 of them to make sure I wake up and second I have this REAL bad habit of snoozing for at least 30 to 45 minutes. I’ve tried to wake up right away but I just can’t help it! Does any one have the secret to being able to get up right at the...

Alright, the papers I have sitting everywhere are now all put on the separate To Do lists that I wrote about in my last blog. Now the next big step is making sure we have due dates or time-lines to get the tasks done. Why do we need a To Do list with dates/times for each task? For many reasons, including the fact that if there is no deadline or set time we will do the task….it will never get done. I don’t know about you but after looking through all my loose papers I have realized how many things just live on my To Do lists....

Planning your dinner for the week is one action that will save both time, stress and help eliminate that “What’s for dinner” question! There are many things to consider when planning your meals for the week. Things to consider when planning your meals: Nights where someone is working late Going out to the parents, friends or restaurant for dinner Wild Card Night (one night during the week you order out) Nights when you have time to cook and those you don’t What we do is each Sunday night we plan our meals for...

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