Alright, the papers I have sitting everywhere are now all put on the separate To Do lists that I wrote about in my last blog. Now the next big step is making sure we have due dates or time-lines to get the tasks done. Why do we need a To Do list with dates/times for each task? For many reasons, including the fact that if there is no deadline or set time we will do the task….it will never get done. I don’t know about you but after looking through all my loose papers I have realized how many things just live on my To Do lists....
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Do you talk about your dreams, ambitions and goals with your other half? I think that many of us feel like once we are in a serious relationship or have a family we can no longer reach new goals in our lives. Well, I don’t agree. Once you have found a partner for your life journey, you also have someone to share your goals and dreams with. Jason and I regularly take the time to share our life goals. We talk about what we see for our future individually and as a couple. We have also found that seeing...