To Do List Part 2: You need a Due Date

Posted on Apr 22 2010 - 10:10pm by Nadia Lawand

Alright, the papers I have sitting everywhere are now all put on the separate To Do lists that I wrote about in my last blog.

Now the next big step is making sure we have due dates or time-lines to get the tasks done. Why do we need a To Do list with dates/times for each task? For many reasons, including the fact that if there is no deadline or set time we will do the task….it will never get done.

I don’t know about you but after looking through all my loose papers I have realized how many things just live on my To Do lists. They have been things that I need to and would like to do for so long. So why are they still on my list? Because they do NOT have due dates.

Since we have separated our lists into: Today, This Week, This Month, Next 3 Months, etc etc, we are giving ourselves a due date to follow. So take your Today list for example. If you have 5 things on your list, jot down when you need to get those tasks done. This can be an exact time or a deadline to help you stick to getting it done.

Alright, I’m off to sleep which is the next thing on my To Do list tonight.

Next we learn how to make our To Do lists doable.

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