Why do we do it? Blame everything on ourselves? My baby didn’t sleep the night. Maybe it’s because she went to bed too late. My baby won’t nap. Maybe the room is too light. Or maybe I rock her too much. Maybe I don’t rock her enough. Why is she agitated? Maybe it’s because she is overtired or overstimulated. Maybe I shouldn’t have...

At 38 weeks pregnant, I await the arrival of baby #3.  My hospital bag is sitting at the door.  As per the doctor, around 34 weeks is a good time to get your bag ready and at the door.  You never know when you’ll go into labor…unless you’ve been booked for a c-section. Here is my complete list of must-have’s for your hospital or birthing...

What’s it like to be a mother? Which first time mom hasn’t been asked that before? When Ella was born on May 11, 2015 my life changed forever. Everyone tells you that your life will change but you don’t quite grasp what that truly means until this tiny human being is here.  Immediately, instantly you are thrown into this crazy journey they call motherhood and this precious, innocent life relies on you for everything. The first few weeks of taking Ella home had its challenges. There were of course the physical challenges...

School’s out for summer!  Kiddies are ready to enjoy the great outdoors!  Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind.  (You can watch the original BT Montreal segment by clicking here) Keep Mosquitos and Ticks from Bugging You Lyme disease has become a serious issue this summer.  If you’re going camping or playing in a grassy wooded area take extra precaution! Wear protective clothing, long pants/sleeves and even tucking your socks in your pants… I know it isn’t the best fashion trend. Use bug repellant...

After a long last day of school (daycare) I picked up my almost 4 year old daughter to go have dinner out with her cousins.  My mommy intuition told me that I should probably just take my kids home, let them play on the swings since it had been raining all day and then let them go to sleep early.  BUT that is not what I did.  We all got in the car and went to the restaurant…and forced the kids to sit down and behave like adults (not always possible).  ‘Stop jumping’, ‘sit down’, ‘eat your food’,...

Today as I enter the 3rd Trimester of pregnancy to my 3rd child, I can’t help but think of how quickly pregnancy goes!  We are so used to complaining about the aches and pains of carrying a child but do we ever really take a moment to feel the true blessing?  There is a child growing inside of our incredible female bodies!  WOW! Pregnancy doesn’t last forever and instead of taking it for granted have you ever REALLY enjoyed it!?  Whether or not this is my last...

Yes it is already that time of year!  Daylight Savings!  If you’re anything like me sleep schedules are very VERY important!  Time change mean my precious schedule gets completely thrown off! Luckily springing forward is the easy time change!  Here are a few great tips from the very best sleep consultant around, Tracy Braunstein of Sleep Tight Solutions. 1. Sleep Environment- Make sure to keep your child’s room dark, especially as it gets brighter earlier!  Blackout curtains to the rescue! 2. Schedule- Springing Forward...

Most parents would never talk about an incident like this…but lets be real!  S#%T happens!! Being a parent brings so many different emotions at different times.  We feel happiness for our kids, disappointment, fear, pride, embarrassment and empathy.  Today when I went to pick up my 3 year old from school, one of her teachers pulled me aside to say she had...

Am I the only mom who feels like toys are all over the place, clothes are overflowing from drawers, bills and paperwork are  being forgotten about, work is pilling up, dishes are dirty before I even use them and the list goes on?  Between cleaning the house, keeping things organized and making sure that work and bills get done- there is no time left for anything else! I am not supermom!  I admit it!  The question is for all you parents who are doing it all and keeping it all organized HOW DO YOU DO IT???   Or is anyone actually doing...

Warning:  If you don’t want to read/hear about breastfeeding stop reading now!! So there have been an overwhelming amount of new observations with my new baby girl this first month of her life.  The past 2 weeks I have been having an interesting issue with breastfeeding and I am curious if anyone else has this issue or has a solution for it! My breast milk...

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