Three weeks ago I experienced my own birth story! On Wednesday August 10th I started to feel contractions here and there. By 11pm at night I had irregular contractions every 15 minutes or so. Since you only go to the hospital when you are getting regular contractions 3-5 minutes apart lasting about 1 minute I wasn’t going anywhere for a bit. I spoke to one of the nurses at the Lakeshore General Hospital and she said to try to get some rest if I could. So from 11pm I told Jason that I would try to sleep between contractions...
What should I do while I am waiting? I am 39 Weeks and 3 Days and I am waiting for my little daughter to come into this world! In the meantime I had a doctors appointment yesterday to see where I am at. I am 1.5 cm dilated and my cervix is soft and ready to go. She is right down there. It is a matter of time now. So the question is how long will it take for my water to break or for contractions to start? My bag is packed and sitting at the door ready to go to the hospital. What should I be doing now? Shopping? Relaxing? ...
Hello All! So it’s official. I am 39 weeks pregnant and one of the big questions on my mind is whether I should take an epidural or not during childbirth! It feels like everyone I speak to says that it will make my experience so much calmer and more enjoyable. What did you do? Take the epidural? Or have as natural a childbirth as possible… as long as everything goes well. I had a great conversation on the radio with Kim Fraser on CJAD. We had some great callers and some interesting advice. We also chatted with...
You know what really really sucks? Being sick in the summer!! You know what sucks even more? Being 38 weeks pregnant while you’re sick! I have been fighting this cold for a week now, pretending it isn’t there but now its really getting on my nerves! Every time I cough my belly shakes… poor little one going on a roller-coaster ride! Between the tons of water and orange juice to the salt rinsing and using a Nedi-Pot I am trying to kill this cold naturally! Positive side- last night I slept my first full night...
Hi all, As promised I have decided to start blogging again… So I am 37 weeks pregnant and life has been changing a lot! My hubby and I are getting ready to be parents…. so many new things to think about. Sorry I didn’t blog throughout this whole process. It was a little overwhelming at first. I will keep you posted from now on. In the meantime I am going to take a nice 37 week pregnant nap… Talk soon!! ~Nadia ...
Many of us have a set of fine china that we got as a wedding gift or passed down from our parents. Many of those beautiful sets are collecting dust in a china cabinet or a box in the basement. Why is that? Why do we aquire beautiful things and then never use them! I’ve heard so many people say that they are for special occassions… but how do you define that! Why not get out your fine china every so often and treat yourself to eating wonderful food on beautiful china! My hubby and I have made it a point to use our china...
Want to make your overworking spouse smile? Have dinner, music, a clean house and a calm atmosphere waiting when they get home from a rough or long day! Today I had to stay at work later than usual and the thought of such a short evening with things around the house waiting for me only made me more nervous. Needless to say, this wasn’t the case when I got home. Jason had dinner ready, the table set, a bottle of wine and everything tidied up in the house. We were able to sit down and chat about our days before it got too late. ...
If you recently moved you know that you need to notify people of the address change. This is common sense! I receive at least 1 piece of mail every single day from the past residence of my home. It has been over a hear and I am still getting their mail! How is it that after a year you let someone receive your bank, credit card, phone, water, personal mail? I have tried to call the bank a few times to get the mail to stop but the bank told me that they can’t do anything unless that person stops it. In the meantime I have...