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You ever wake up, it’s raining out and you say “ah, it’s raining, the day is shot!”? Well for me a rainy day come with mixed blessings. On one hand, yes you can’t do much outdoors BUT on the other hand you have the chance to either clean up inside the house or just relax. So many things that can be done around the house, vacuum, dishes, garbage’s, or watching a movie, email that friend you miss, sit and read a book, well you get the point. One thing that a lot of us forget is that each day of our lives...

The latest debate in our house is mop vs Swiffer.  Jason and I share the housework equally but when it comes to our tools we think very differently.  We are huge fans of the Swiffer family of products, but the question is are they really the best?  Personally I feel that sometimes they don’t get the edges and corners of rooms as well as a regular wet mop or vacuum even.   Jason swears by the Swiffer but I am still on the fence.  Now they have a new Swiffer vacuum that I must try out!  What do you...