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A newly wed couple, friends of ours, found mice in there house. They are extremely hygienic, (the couple that is), so I know it is not because they have a dirty household. The mice just decided to move in. A whole family of them found their way into a column in the house.  I find mice to be so adorable. I have Cinderella (good old Disney movies) to thank for my love for mice. According to my hubby, and a few articles I read, mice can destroy the house. They can damage food and food packaging they can chew up the electrical wires...

The latest debate in our house is mop vs Swiffer.  Jason and I share the housework equally but when it comes to our tools we think very differently.  We are huge fans of the Swiffer family of products, but the question is are they really the best?  Personally I feel that sometimes they don’t get the edges and corners of rooms as well as a regular wet mop or vacuum even.   Jason swears by the Swiffer but I am still on the fence.  Now they have a new Swiffer vacuum that I must try out!  What do you...

First of all let me say that I am extremely lucky to have a pretty equal relationship when it comes to housework.  My hubby and I both take turns cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, microwaving leftovers etc…  That being said, the latest great debate between my hubby and I is how many times a week laundry needs to be done.  Jason says once every 2nd week and I say at least twice a week.  Every 2nd week?  I still don’t get it!!!  Jason thinks he can where the same jeans until they feel dirty…....