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Do you have parents, friends, family that always gives you fabulous leftovers? My hubby and I are so lucky to have great family that are always making lots of food and sending us leftovers. We constantly have food, sometimes too much. Jason and I love cooking and eating together but sometimes it feels like we shouldn’t cook because we would be wasting food since we have so much in the fridge already. What do you do? Graciously take the yummy leftovers and be thankful or do you say no thank you and get cooking by yourself? ...

Many homes are equipped with alarm systems to discourage burglars from breaking in. Most families are starting to think about or have already booked their summer vacation. While preparing for their getaway, is it imperative that they consider safeguarding their homes. Click here to find out the most likely way a theif will want to break in. My in-laws live in what is considered to be one of the safest neighborhoods. They have never had an alarm system set up in their home, they had a German shepherd (Rocky) who guarded the house. For...

This past weekend I celebrated Easter with all of my family. It was so fun and so greek! The lamb on the spit and everything, check out Kevin’s last blog to see the pictures. That being said my little niece was the center of attention and boy was she the cutest ever! We all want to make the kids in our lives happy by getting them gifts and everything they want… But what about giving them the gift of fun time with their families and tissue paper?? Check out this fun video that was the highlight of My Big Fat Greek Easter: ...

Easter for my family is huge…and when a meal is being planned you can guarantee that nobody goes home hungry. This year Easter was special, we had my wife’s and Nadia’s family over at my parents. Now there are some foods that are a must for any Easter celebration. This year the center attraction was a 35 lbs lamb! With roasting a lamb there are several pieces that need to be set so that it’s a success. First is to order the lamb. This year we bought the lamb from Mourelatos. The lamb spit was built by Astro Machine...

Easter, Christmas, long weekends, who do we spend them with? Your family or mine? Is it one year here, one there? Whether your family is big or small, who you spend the holidays with can sometime be hard to determine. As for us, we don’t want to upset either side of the family so, we’ve created a schedule! As most holidays are celebrated over a few days, a dinner here, a breakfast there, a lunch back here, and the 2nd dinner anywhere, is usually the formula that works for us! How do you do it?Are you one of those lucky...

Do you bring gifts when you go to someone’s house? I grew up being taught that you should ALWAYS bring something to the host of the night. The big question is what? Now that I am hosting people in my own home I have realized that you get a lot of stuff. I don’t expect or need anything that is given to me but I am extremely grateful and touched by the house gifts. I have a few favorites when it comes to house gifts. Top 5 Gift Ideas for The Host:1- Wine2- Baked goods3- Plants or Flowers4- Chocolates or Fruit basket5- Something...

With spring in the air, I decided to pick a wine for the season. April’s wine comes from the Ernest & Julio Gallo estate in California, it’s a White Zinfandel which retails for just under $10!  Now I am usually not a big fan of rose wines but this one caught my eye. The colour matches the season and the taste is fresh and crisp. For a person who wants to start getting into wines this is a perfect choice. This wine has a easy yet fruity taste with no bitter after taste. The wine does taste like a wine and...

Hey there boys and girls!! Today is the day to play a prank on your spouse… When I say prank I mean a real prank… Not just lie and then say haha April fools’. I suggest traps all over the house… OK to be nice 1 or 2 traps. Whether it is saran wrap under the toilet seat, or a fake roach in a juice! I think pranks are the way to go for April Fools’ Get your spouse before he or she gets you! I found this blog where they say that if you have kids, April Fools ‘Day is a great way to show your kids that marriage...

Do you talk about your dreams, ambitions and goals with your other half?  I think that many of us feel like once we are in a serious relationship or have a family we can no longer reach new goals in our lives.  Well, I don’t agree.  Once you have found a partner for your life journey, you also have someone to share your goals and dreams with. Jason and I regularly take the time to share our life goals.  We talk about what we see for our future individually and as a couple.  We have also found that seeing...

Hello fellow couples!! How many of you loooovveee your private bathroom time. Time to read a book, play games, pick at your teeth, fall asleep or whatever it may be. I love my private bathroom time. It’s my daily little getaway where no one can get me… But wait… Someone often does try to come get me… I often have to barricade the bathroom door so that he can’t get in… Yes you guessed it… my Sammy! He often urgently needs to get something or do something when I’m in the bathroom. I must...

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