We’ve all been there. Time to prepare supper, you open the fridge and you have very few ingredients to cook with….. Here is a simple, healthy, easy meal that looks as good as it tastes.
How to make “Simple Fast Stir-fry” for 2:
1 Red Pepper
1 Onion
1 Broccoli
Pre cooked and cut chicken – you can pick this up at Costco or any other grocery store. Great to have in the freezer!
Package of Asian noodles and Sauce – you can pick this up at any grocery store
Preparation: Cut the red pepper and onion into thin strips. Cut the broccoli into 2″ pieces. Pour some canola oil in the Wok or large frying pan and heat at Med Heat on the stove. Add the veggies to the Wok and cook until the veggies are somewhat tender, at this point add the pre-cooked chiken and continue cooking until the veggies are fully cooked. On the side prepare the noodles as per the instruction on the noddle package. Once the noodles are done, mix with veggies/chicken in a large bowl. Add the stir-fry sauce, stir everything together and enjoy. Happy Cookin!