Thank You Kevin for that amazing fast and simple stir-fry recipe! I definitely need a few more easy and fast recipes I can try during the busy busy week.
On that note Jason thinks that Kraft Dinner can sometimes be a quick alternative… At this point in our lives I don’t think Kraft Dinner is an option! It doesn’t seem healthy at all! I’m sure it tastes great…
Ok I have a little confession to make… I have never had Kraft dinner! I know its hard to believe but its true. I feel like the only 28 year old that has not tried Kraft dinner? Am I?
How about this…. before I come to any conclusions about the validity of Kraft dinner as a quick meal alternative, I am going to try it for the first time! Yes mark it down! Nadia Lawand, 28 years old, will try Kraft Dinner for the FIRST time in her life!!!
To be continued…
I can't believe you have NEVER had Kraft dinner. I have to agree with Jason. It is definitely a quick meal alternative. Obviously, it is not something that you will eat several times a week but sometimes when you don't know what to make and you REALLY don't feel like cooking, it'll do the trick!
Nadia don't feel so bad I've never tried Kraft Dinner either and I'm 29!! Maybe in the future but for now things are fine without Kraft Dinner 🙂
Now that I have taken the plunge You should too! Let me know how it goes!!!