Early Bird or Night Owl?

Posted on Apr 26 2010 - 9:31pm by Nadia Lawand

My husband and I need sleep in very different ways. Over the past little while my sleeping patterns have changed drastically. I feel that I need more sleep and that I am sleepy earlier. When I am getting tired at 11:00pm and ready for bed by 11:30pm, my husband is sitting down to watch a show or do some work on the computer. Meanwhile, I want to get up at 6am but he is still asleep at that point.

At night Jason is always wanting to watch a movie or show, or do something but I’m too tired…. In the morning I am hyper, happy, loud and waking up Jason in an annoying way because of it. Yikes!

What do you and your significant other do? Do you try to match up your sleeping times or do you just deal with being on opposite clocks? I have tried to force myself to stay up for Jason but I end up so exhausted.

Help me, I’m an exhausted Early Bird with a Night Owl for a husband!!

5 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Nelly April 26, 2010 at 11:15 pm - Reply

    Ouch! That's a tough problem to resolve. In my case, it's the opposite: I'm the night owl and my hubby is the early bird. Although it may seem like an unfortunate situation for newlyweds, it becomes quite a convenience when you have kids: you get to take shifts caring for the kids. But for the time being, my suggestion is to try enjoying each other during your shared waking times (watch an earlier movie showing). And as for the times when you find yourselves awake and alone, let this be your time to focus on yourselves: your alone time (check your e-mails, pamper yourself, prepare a nice breakfast for your snoozing hubby…or vice versa). It's hard to try to change sleeping patterns and it may even lead to problems such as insomnia, fatigue, irritability, loss of libido…. and nobody wants that now do they… So I say learn to accept the fact that your a morning person and he's a night owl and that's who you are. However, if you really wish to stay up late on the occasional night try turkish coffee or expresso. Works for me! Love, Nelly

  2. Nelly's husband April 27, 2010 at 12:03 am - Reply

    My wife woke me up to read this……my advice cut your internet service and everyone can be happy and sleep. (Nelly's husband)

  3. Carol April 27, 2010 at 7:39 am - Reply

    It is quite an adjustment for newly married couples to get used to the other's sleep habits, however my hubby and I have found an agreeable solution after so many years. It is called a guestroom. Carol K, xox

  4. Anonymous April 27, 2010 at 7:59 am - Reply

    I say just wait until baby #1 arrives. He or she will unashamedly arrange both of your schedules! ;o)

  5. Nadia Lawand April 27, 2010 at 10:01 am - Reply

    Thanks for the advice everyone! I like the idea of taking that time to make him a nice breakfast!! Or organizing my day quietly!

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